Sunday, February 10, 2013

Days 3 & 4

Woah! Day three was really easy (I muched on whatever snacks I had leftover from the first few days), but day four is HARD. I haven't had a headache yet today, so that's progress, but my roommates made brownies! Oh no! I knew I was going to need some serious willpower because they smelled so...goood...! Luckily, I have made it through unscathed and made some cool new snack revelations on the way.
First of all, did you know how good local honey is for you?! It helps with a slew of health problems (and its super sweet- with only natural sugars!) To capitalize on the bottle I have, I made some honey-lemon tea and it got rid of my sweet tooth (and hopefully my sore throat) lickety split!
Another thing I was craving was peanut butter something awful. I felt like pregnant Claire from LOST when she's telling Charlie she'd do anything for peanut butter. Fortunately, I don't have to make do with an imaginary jar, I can go to the store and buy all natural peanut butter sweetened with agave nectar (that stuff is really starting to become my friend).
In any case, if you're trying this I hope you are prevailing! Good luck (and don't feel bad if, on day 4, you need to eat a whole spoon of honey)!
xoxo, Lauren

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