Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Invisalign Update

Those, well. Are my teeth, obviously.

I thought I was due for an Invisalign update post. Not that I have a comparison picture up for you here, but I thought a photo might be helpful. I am on tray 17 out of 30, for top and bottom of my original trays- I have no idea if I will have refinements yet, fingers crossed for no. And I have a total of 8 attachments, 6 top/2 bottom. I also have a power ridge on my left central incisor.

If you can't tell, I'm wearing my Invisalign in the photo. The terrible quality is attributed to the front camera  with low lighting on an iPhone, sorry about that. In  my opinion, they're much more obvious in photos, especially close up than they are in real life. Lighting causes increased shadows and shine.

So far, I'm relatively pleased with the results. I'm very pleased with my bottom teeth- sort of unhappy with my top teeth. Although there has been significant changes, my lateral incisors have hardly moved at all and I'm disappointed with that. The top teeth are visible much more often than the bottom, and i feel as though progress should reflect that. Hopefully the movements will speed up. Otherwise I have no major issues. So far I have had interpromximal reduction filing done twice on my left lateral incisor and once on my right lateral incisor. I'm assuming there will be a bit more.

I have an orthodontist appointment this week, and when I have more trays in my possession  it will be easier to do a comparison test. I'll line the trays up to show the transition from one tray to the next. Until then, this is a relatively clear representation of how Invisalign appear on teeth.

My smile is not actually that tall, I was trying to show you all of my teeth!
The lip color is MAC Lady Bug very sheered out over lip balm.


1 comment:

  1. For faster progress, make sure to always follow your dentist's order. Never skip the time suggested for you to wear your invisalign. Also, try to live a healthy lifestyle, far from vices that may cause tooth decay. Working with your dentist will help you achieve a healthy set of teeth.

    -Elfrieda Sevigny @ SimmondsDentalCenter
